By Liz Baessler Pigs fly and Herr Starr finds his calling. “Pig,” the seventh episode of Preacher , is a solid addition to the season. Each episode so far has had its own structure, some of which work better than others. This one is especially well-balanced, giving each main character (and a brand new character) their due. It also has some good bonkers world-building. Much like last week’s episode began with a new, unfamiliar aspect of the Preacher universe, this one begins with a miracle halfway around the world. And then it shows us how miracles are treated. As the look and feel of characters go, Herr Starr might be the closest to his source in the comics, and Pip Torrens is excellent in his role. He is a perfect weirdo—just strange enough to be refreshing, just exasperated enough to be likable. Say what you will about Herr Starr, he knows how to get things done. And you can’t help but feel for him in his crusade to deal with the idiots around him, in spite of yourself. Her...