(Welcome to Scariest Scene Ever , a column dedicated to the most pulse-pounding moments in horror with your tour guides, horror experts Matt Donato and Ariel Fisher . In this edition: one of the scariest scenes in 47 Meters Down plays on our phobias. ) We all have our phobias. Some of us are arachnophobic (there’s a movie about this one!), nyctophobic ( fear of the dark ), coulrophobic (Pennywise wants a word), or, you know, any of the hundreds that exist . So, since it’s my turn to bring the scares this week, I chose one that plays on my very peculiar phobias that most people don’t know about: thalassophobia and megalohydrothalassophobia. No, I didn’t just make those up. Yes, they’re real and they suck. Thalassophobia is defined as the fear of the ocean or large bodies of water and their dark depths. Megalohydrothalassophobia, on the other hand, is a bit of a moving target. Essentially, it’s the fear of large things or creatures in...