The "Kingsman" franchise has overtly referenced James Bond, starting with the first film, "Kingsman: The Secret Service," where a character guesses that the initials of a dog named JB stand for "James Bond" (as opposed to Bond's whip-cracking heir, Indiana Jones, who also takes his name from the family dog). The franchise is drawing from the spy-movie tradition, which obviously goes beyond Bond, but thus far, Matthew Vaughn has directed all three movies, including the latest one, "The King's Man," which is in theaters now. Vaughn drew inspiration from Bond's earliest adventures for his 1960s-set superhero film, "X-Men: First Class," too, so it would be natural to assume that the 007 of that era, the late Sean Connery, influenced "The King's Man." Moreover, "The King's Man" stars Ralph Fiennes, who played Bond's boss, M, in the three most recent 007 movies. However, "The King's Man...