Don Mancini, the creator of the "Child's Play" franchise and showrunner of the "Chucky" TV series, has confirmed that the show's second season will drop in 2022. The murderous doll, Chucky himself, had previously relayed a message through Mancini -- who warned, "Watch your backs in 2022" -- and it looks they're going to deliver on that tease this year. Billed as a "coming of rage" story about a bullied teen named Jake Wheeler (Zackary Arthur), the eight-episode first season of "Chucky" wrapped up at the tail end of November 2021, at which time we also reported that the show was coming back for a second season . USA and Syfy, the networks that broadcast "Chucky," still have not announced an exact release date yet for season 2, but season 1 premiered in October 2021, and if they want to continue tapping into the Halloween mood, it would be appropriate to have season 2 debut in October 2022. One thing's for s...