When I was about seven or so, I attended a baton competition in Orlando, Florida that granted all of the attendees a day pass to Universal Studios. The park had recently opened the "Terminator 2: 3D: Battle Across Time" attraction, which meant the park was covered in advertisements with spine-chilling imagery of the T-1000 staring into my soul, and a handful of prominently displayed, life-size Terminators that I assume were added solely to scar me for life. We had to pass by the attraction to get to another side of the park, and I just stood frozen in my tracks. I had seen both "The Terminator" and "T2: Judgment Day" at this point (thanks, mom and dad!), but seeing a Terminator right before my eyes immediately destroyed the safe distance provided by the movies. The damn thing looked way too real for comfort, and I totally freaked out. Now, well into my 30s, I've forged a career in film analysis focusing heavily on horror, sci-fi, exploitation, and al...