David, Devindra, Jeff, and Kristy discuss Alex Garland’s latest film, Annihilation. Check out Indiewire’s piece on Netflix streaming and Chris Evangelista’s deep-dive into Annihilation. To enter our Coco contest, email slashfilmcast@gmail.com with the words “Coco Contest” in the subject line and share your favorite musical moment in films. Include your address (US only, no PO boxes).
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What We’ve Been Watching:
Jeff – Game Night, Here and Now, ½ of Mute
Kristy – Mute, Everything Sucks, Vicious
David – La La Land (Live in Concert)
Devindra – Travelers, Mozart in the Jungle S4
Featured Review:
- Our music sometimes comes from the work of Adam Warrock. You can download our theme song here. Our Slashfilmcourt music comes from Simonmharris.com. Our spoiler bumper comes from filmmaker Kyle Hillinger.
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- Contact us at our voicemail number: 781-583-1993
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The post /Filmcast Ep. 456 – Annihilation appeared first on /Film.
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