Freddy reviews a documentary titled MARKIE IN MILWAUKEE
Ken with a review of a documentary titled MARKIE IN MILWAUKEE.
To start this review I will simply state I’m a middle aged heterosexual male who doesn’t quite understand the topic at hand. I can only speak from my small prism of knowledge. So all apologies for misspeaking on genders or anything else insensitive I may step in, in my attempts to understand and review a very powerful film.
MARKIE IN MILWAUKEE follows Mark, a seven foot, 400 pound man preaching in the local fundamentalist church. The documentary starts with a sliver of a scene showing Mark shredding any remnant he can find of his past life. The only glimpse we get of this past life is a smiling Mark, in a wig before it’s rended in his shredder. In the decade of film that this documentary was spliced from we learn that Mark is very conflicted.
Four years before that scene we watch as Mark transitions into Markie, the female he always felt he was internally. Markie is as sweet and caring as her male counterpart. Just a gentle giant wanting human connection like the rest of us. Problem is, once she dawns the wigs and dresses, she’s immediately ostracized. At points it seems like her only friend is a local photo booth she uses to document her progress.
Markie tells his wife her darkest held secret and the inevitable divorce begins. Her kids, raised by Mark in a fundamentalist Christian church, also cut themselves away from her confusing choices. You really
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