For an Industrial Designer, there are few things more significant than your portfolio. It’s the number one reason you still haven’t landed your first design job. Alternatively, it’s the main reason you got the job you are in. We all understand its importance, so here are a few pointers you should AVOID in your design portfolio.
Shiny Renderings, Shitty Ideas
Don’t get us wrong – high quality sketches and renderings are a plus in every portfolio. But an experienced recruiter will also judge your ideas, design decisions and know-how.
Products Without Process
Your portfolio is not a product catalog. It’s about you and how you work – so make sure to highlight your process.
User is Missing
Good research is more than a google search for competitor products. Go deeper and show that you know how a user-centered design approach looks like.
No Story
Don’t be boring – the product development process can be exciting! Use (visual) storytelling to build a portfolio that sticks.
Quantity Over Quality
Don’t start to fill your portfolio with low quality projects, only to reach a certain number of pages. A portfolio should contain your BEST work.
Decorative Graphic Design
Like Dieter Rams said: “Less but better”. You don’t have to highlight your awesome graphic design skills, keep it simple and let your designs shine.
Too Many Details
Yes, show the process (research, sketches, prototypes ect.) but don’t show EVERYTHING. Do a selection and show the relevant stuff only.
Lack of Structure
Where does one project end and the next start? Why don’t you use a proper layout grid? Provide a solid structure, it will definitely help you.
This guest post is by Boostfolio.
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